Sunday, March 18, 2007

An Hour On The Plot

I've been exceptionally busy at work this last week, and will continue to be so next week too. I'm writing this from down South, where I'm visiting my parents and attending a meeting on Monday before three days in London.

The net result is that I only managed to get to the plot once in the first week of Frankie's absence, and that was only for an hour before it got dark.

The good news was that the beans seem to be flourishing after transplanting out - I think they're half as big again as they were when we put them in last weekend.

I think there may even be a hint of pea-sign. There are some tiny seed leaves poking up through the ground under the pea cloches and in the area where Frankie sowed them without cloches. I'm hoping it is actually the peas and not just some insidious weed, but there's only really one way to find out.

Talking of insidious weeds I had to hoike out a few deep-rooted dock plants that had escaped the digging and weeding of the beds. Their massive taproots where a real swine to get out as I couldn't get a very good grip on them.

I'm not going to get a chance to get down the plot until a week on Tuesday as I'm not at home, but I'm off work that week so I hope to get over a few times and make a decent amount of progress.

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