Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm In Charge (uh-oh!)

Frankie has gone to Europe for a month and left me in charge of the plot and the wealth of things she planted indoors before she left. Was this wise? Probably not. Especially as I'm very busy at work over the next couple of weeks and not around much. Still I've remembered to water the indoor plants a couple of times this week and the leeks in particular seem to be flourishing. In preparation for this posting I went to get the crap camera (Frankie has taken the good one), and at that point I realised she has taken all the batteries with her. So until I get a chance to buy some more you're going to have to put up with plain text, I'm afraid - sorry!

So how's it going? I've not been down the plot since she left, but I have been attending to the plants indoors. We have leeks, rocket, watercress, parsley and potatoes.

  • Leeks - The leeks are doing really well, we must have over a hundred seedlings most of which are now about 5cm high and starting to unfold.

  • Rocket - The rocket is still looking a bit weedy, long stems and a couple of seed leaves only.

  • Watercress - I'm not sure the watercress is going to work, it's also very long stems and seed leaves and the seed leaves are tiny - just a couple of millimetres across.

  • Parlsey - The parsley is also in the seed leaf stage, looking strangely similar to the rocket. It looks like weedy cress.

  • Potatoes - The potatoes continue to 'chit'. They all have several sproutings on them, the sprouting bits are a dark purple and some are over 2cm long. Some of the potatoes are starting to shrivel - I'm not sure if this is a good thing?

I'm hoping to get down the plot for an hour after work tomorrow, to do a bit of digging and maybe a little weeding if it's required. I won't be down there again until a week on Tuesday as I'm away. But that week I'm off work so I hope to get a few couple of hour sessions in - get a load of digging done.

In other news: Snow! I heard on the radio that there was a risk of snow this weekend. I'm not actually going to be here - I'll be down South visiting my parents and helping out on their plot. Hopefully it won't happen, but I fear those early peas that Frankie put in may be goners.

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