Sunday, May 27, 2007

Honey, I'm ho-ome!

I've been away for a week to a conference and before that I had so m much preparation to do I couldn't get to the allotment. I've had a great time, but man, am I tired. A day down the allotment pottering around doing some weeding, cutting back the paths and sorting things out was just what I needed.

And now I have proof of growth!

We found actual broad bean pods growing in the black fly/ant infested beanie beds. There was MUCH cheering. I was starting to think we'd not get any so I was chuffed to find a few on their way.

When I grow up, I'm going to be a broad bean...

There's pea pod sign too:

When I fatten up, I'm going be full of pea loveliness...

Possibly the most eagerly anticipated strawberries in the world...

I'm going to put straw underneath the strawberries soon, and cover them with netting. I'm probably not the only one looking forward to juicy strawberries.

And finally, the long view (click on photo to enlarge). We have some space beyond the tree (in the back of the photo) but realised we wouldn't get around to preparing it this year. We've covered it in weed suppressant for now and hope to plant a few things through it but otherwise leave it to next year.

What you (can almost) see here is, 2 beanie beds, 2 carrot/beetroot/onion stuff beds, 2 brassicas beds (one of which is now mostly strawberries, the other one still empty) and 2 potato beds.


Mark said...

Hi Franki baby,
I bet you were chuffed, yours are a bit further on than mine and i can understand the eagerly antisipating bit.
Even if the coffee grounds is not the answer to slugs, looking at all the work that has gone into seeing what it contains it certainly seems to be an excellent soil conditioner.

Cheers Mark

Frankie Baby said...

Hi Mark

Sounds like a good idea to me. Although I now have this image of slugs charging around the plot pumped up on caffine!

Anonymous said...

You're doing SO well here Frankie. Fantastic looking beds. And I'm so impressed to see your peas. Mine just got eaten!

Mark said...

That could just explaine why i saw on in a pair of speedos flexing it muscles the other day, i thought nothing of it at the time...but now you have got me

Cheers Mark

Frankie Baby said...

Slugs 'flexing'! Ugh, what am image!