Monday, May 28, 2007

Welcome Visitor

Look who was found mooching around the plot!

I suppose as we tidy up more and more things on the allotment he'll find fewer places to hide. We've got a load of leftover pallet bits from making the compost bin that I think I'll try to leave in the corner as a little wildlife refuge. Although, maybe all a frog really wants out of life is a nice blue tarp...


Hazel said...

He's a smasher, isn't he! No sluggie worries for you! Your broad beans are looking fine - they've come good against the odds! I ate my first BB this week - little ones, and my peas aren't far behind yours either!

Thanks for the positive comment re: my onions - some you win, some you lose, I guess!

Frankie Baby said...

Thanks Hazel

I can't wait to get started on those BB!

Anonymous said...

I'm such a frog / toad / newt fan that we've built a twig pile for them to hibernate in and we grow rhubarb (even though we hate it) because they really love the cover next to the pond!

Frankie Baby said...

Sorry Liz, I missed your comment!

Growing rhubarb just for them! now that's real amphibean love!