Thursday, May 03, 2007

Start of May

Here's how the plot looks now. We've dug 7 of the 8 main raised beds.

Two beds of potatoes. Realised the other day that we don't actually eat that many spuds. And we now have 40 potato plants. Everyone will be getting potatoes for christmas. Wrapped up nicely of course, we're not mean!

One brassica bed with only half the bed for brassicas because those strawberries needed a home and we're a long LONG way off digging the bed where they were supposed to go. The other half of the bed is housing the red cabbage plants. I was thinking we could plant radishes in the gaps between the cabbages. I wonder, perhaps the tomato plants could go in between. Does anyone know if tomatoes and red cabbage are good allotment buddies? The big grassy patch in the top photo is where the other brasscica bed will go. Eventually. Maybe.

This is the red onion, leeks and beetroot bed. Haven't seen any actual beetroot yet. Still hoping they're just bashful.

The onions from sets plus a few from seed that we;d pretty much given up on. Plus a few carrots. There was supposed to be a whole line of carrots down the middle but I can only find about 6 plants. I may have weeded out the carrots with the weeds. stupidstupid. There's also a couple of garlic plants in the corner that I accidentally dug up at one point. They seemed to be a bit better for it to (might be because it gave me the chance to put them the right way up!)

The first beanie bed. Broad beans, peas and a few sweet peas.

Massive number of flowers but still no pods...

The other bed is still empty but will have sugar snap peas and runner beans

It was such a nice evening down the plot last night. I was just pottering along, doing the watering and listening to the birds. Things might not (ever!) go according to plan but I get so much pleasure from this garden.


Mark said...

Hi Frankie baby,
It is quite fun reading about your time down the allotment, i like the idea of potatoes for christmas presents, the seeds i put in two weeks ago are just starting to emerge, as i have never grown veg before i am not sure what things are suppose to look like , so i will leave them for a bit before i start weeding, or get out my Ladybird book of veggie spotting.
It looks like you have quite a bit to do so i can see why you want to use a hosepipe.
If you get the chance could you give me more tips on how to put a picture on your heading.
Cheers Mark

Unknown said...

I spy with my little eye... someone who's going to have trouble with grassy paths growing up between their beds, same as me. How are you going to cope with that - strim it back now and again? And how to stop it invading the beds?

Mark said...

Hi Frankie Baby,
I have managed to sort the banner header. Am not sure but when i added a Flickr badge i got other options in the layout bit, or that might have been there all the time and i hadn't noticed it.
Cheers Mark

Frankie Baby said...

Hi Mark

Sorry I haven't got around to a better explanation of the header bar. I must confess I didn't have a clue how to do it so I provided B with the photo and badgered/delegated him into sorting it out.

Frankie Baby said...

I do appear to be cultivating mares tail paths between the beds and they are invading the beds :(

The bordered beds are better off but we're a way off bordering all of them yet. After that I might try weed suppresent fabric and wood chip. But when will there be time!!!!!