Saturday, May 12, 2007

I don't need no shed

See, all you need is a bit of floor space and a good tolerance for mess and soil EVERYWHERE. I sowed some pink coneflowers, some runner beans and potted up the iddie biddy tomato plants and two squash plants. I then got a bit carried away and tried to sort out a massive house plant that looked like elves had been stealing it's soil in the night. jobsa goodn. I found it all quite satisfying actually.

I went down to the plot later and wanted to get down to some proper weeding of the beanie beds. However, every time I plunged a fork into the soil I seem to hit an ants nest and the ants would just erupt. Aggh, ants everywhere, terrifying! I can't stand them, really. I remember as kid jumping around on a bouncy castle and getting covered in ant bites. I couldn't stay and weed the beds, just the thought that one might try and run up my leg! yak! Those ants have got to go. I still can't bring myself to use insecticide though, but I came very close today.

So what's left? Boiling water? That'll cook the plants. Cold water? Would that do anything more than irritate them? All I know, is that they HAVE to go.

1 comment:

Raindrops said...

Hi You could try leaving a container full of sugar and water. It attracts the ants the same way as beer works for slugs. Well it worked for me.