Monday, April 30, 2007

Hosepipes or Watering Can?

I've been wondering about buying a hose for the watering. Until now we've been going back and forth to the tap at the communal water butt with a watering can. It's time consuming and hard work but that's alright, I mean, if we wanted the easy life we wouldn't bother with the allotment at all. But would it really be so bad to use a hose? It would save a fantastic amount of time and effort. More time and effort that could be re-invested into other allotment jobs.

Bonzo is against the idea. For a start he thinks it's antisocial as it prevents other plot holders from using the tap. Then there is the issue of water wastage. I bet using a hosepipe to water your garden directly wastes a lot of water, as you move from one bed to the next and you'll probably use more water anyway than if you had to carry it yourself.

Although our allotment doesn't appear to have any special rules relating to hosepipe use, our friend's allotment bans the use of hosepipes to water gardens directly but is happy for you to use them to fill up your water butt if you then use a watering can to do the watering. It seems like a good compromise to me. But maybe Bonzo has a point about it still being antisocial to other plotholders.

Hmm. Other plot holders: What do you think? Do you use a hose? Do you prefer not to use them? If so then why? I'd really like to know...


Anonymous said...

You are so lucky being allowed to use the hose. Go for it!! On my behalf!! It's not allowed at my plot unless you're over 60. I've toyed with the idea of dyeing my hair grey and using a walking stick to fool them.

Hazel said...

I used my hosepipe tonight and felt like a criminal! I think I'll be happier (and fitter!) watering the half plot with the can.
Nice to see the bean weevils haven't 'done for' your broad beans - they look fab!

Mark said...

Hi Frankie baby,
It sounds like a good compromise to fill your water butt by hose then use a watering can from there to your patch, as long as you fill it up when not many other allotment holders are around it shouldn't inconvenience them to much.
Did you see the post i put up about the "drought buster", it is ideal for reusing your bath water for your own garden, wellies are optional.
Cheers mark

Frankie Baby said...

Cheers Soilman! I like the idea of gardening incognito! It would stop me feeling guilty at least, and amuse me no end!

Thanks Hazel, I'm chuffed so far with the broad beans but the flowers DO seem to be lasting a looong time! want.beans,NOW!

Thanks Mark. I'll see if I can talk Bonzo into the compromise. As for using your bath water, sounds like a good tip for a house garden but my allotment isn't really that close to the house. If I EVER get a home with a garden (sniff) I’ll bear it in mind.