Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm so excited, my first ever broad beans have flowered. How long now then aye? Are we nearly there yet? Is it nearly ready huh? Is it is it is it?


Anonymous said...

You're doing better than me, Frankie. I'm having unprecedented serial failures this year. Bloody sweetcorn seed also failed to germinate. I'm beginning to think my supplier is peddling crap.

Frankie Baby said...

Soilman, I think someone must be poisoning your soil. Do you have any arch enemies?

Seriously, please don't be disheartened. Can you sow the peas dircect and then cover with a bottle cloche. That's what I did with as many as I could and it worked well. Stopped the the eevil weevils too.

Mark said...

Hi Frankie,
I'm sure it wont be long now, it is really exciting waiting for the seed s to grow, we are coming up to two weeks in our little bit and things are starting to happen. We are having to step up a gear with the slug wars, as they are sending in their crack troops at the minute.
On a seperate note how do you add a picture into your blog heading? As it gives it that bit more umphh.
Cheers Mark

Bonzo Baby said...

Hiya Mark,

Briefly, you need to edit the blogger template to point to a different picture. First you need to post the picture somewhere online (e.g. Flickr) and then edit the template to point to the new picture. We'll do a tutorial (thanks for the nudge!) on how we did it in a few days as we're off on holiday for the weekend. Yeay!


Mark said...

Cheers Bonzo
Enjoy the weekend whoooh!!!